Request for proposals related to

Northwest Behavioral Health Partnership

Serving Three Northwest Counties

crawford PA
mercer PA
venango pennsylvania

Northwest Behavioral Health Partnership

The three NW counties of the Northwest Behavioral Health Partnership (NWBHP) (Crawford, Mercer and Venango), along with Carelon Health of PA (Carelon), has an extensive system of in-network agencies providing behavioral health treatment and support services for HealthChoices members and residents. Through an ongoing assessment process, these counties and their stakeholders work collaboratively to identify any potential gaps in available services that are essential to meeting the behavioral health needs of their residents.  Request for Proposals are offered to interested providers, as a means of addressing the identified gaps in behavioral health services access in the region.  We appreciate your consideration of the RFPs posted below.  Please review the links to explore your interest in submitting applications for consideration.

RFPS Instructions

RFP Background (1)

To respond to any of the posted RFPs, please click on the corresponding link in the boxes for each below.

Please note the stated closure date for questions and submissions included with each of the posted RFPs.  Exceptions will not be made to these requirements.  Documents presented outside of the stated dates will not be accepted for review or award.

Please read and follow the instructions for submissions in the RFP document, be sure to include required documents with your submission, and respond to the complete list of questions.

Submit your responses, including any required documentation or attachments, on or before the closure date, to .

All qualified RFP responses are reviewed and screened and scored by a committee of professional subject matter and clinical experts as well as identified stakeholders.


  • There is no commitment by the Partners to anything beyond what is directly stated in the RFP.
  • Awards resulting from these RFPs do not ensure that the need in the community is sufficient to support the development and/or sustainability of this level of care.
  • Requests for Proposals are not subject to competitive bidding processes and any contract entered into as a result of any proposal will not be based on the concept of the “lowest cost applicant”.
  • The Partners have the right to reject any and all proposals at any time during the process.
  • Qualifying RFP responses are reviewed and screened and scored by a committee of professional subject matter and clinical experts as well as identified stakeholders.
    • Applicants whose proposals are selected will be notified in writing as to their selection or award.
    • Applicants whose proposals are not selected will also be notified in writing of this decision.
    • Applicants should not expect any feedback on the quality of their responses or the selection process.
  • The Partners reserve the right to reject any applicant that does not sufficiently document that they meet the minimum qualifications to respond to this RFP.
  • The Partners may modify the selection process or the scope of the project or the required responses at any time.
  • All costs of developing proposals and any subsequent expenses relating to contract negotiations are entirely the responsibility of the applicant and may not be charged to any of the Partners.

Regional Initiatives

RFP Document: Download Here: NWBHP IBHS_Standing RFP - PART A B__REV(2) 092024 AAH

IBHS Attachment IBHS-Attachment-A

Submit RFP Questions to:

  • Deadline To Submit Questions: N/a

Submit RFP Response to:

  • Deadline To Submit Responses: N/a

Crawford County

RFP Document: Download Here NW RFP Crawford Standing YYA Peer RFP REV 082024 AAH

Other Attachments
Provider Handbook PSS(1)
CPS Code of Ethical Conduct-052418(1)

Submit RFP Questions to:

  • Deadline To Submit Questions: N/a

Submit RFP Response to:

  • Deadline To Submit Responses: N/a

Is the current rate $10/unit?
Are start-up funds available?
How many young people are anticipated to be in need of this service annually?
Is there a recommended caseload size?
Is meeting with an individual face-to-face, virtually, a billable activity?
What are the requirements for billing and documentation?
Are training hours billable?
Is supervision time billable?
Is travel time billable if the individual receiving services is in the vehicle?
Are there minimum frequency of contact expectations for individuals receiving CPS services?
Is there a preferred assessment?
Is the CANS acceptable?

1. As stated in the RFP, the awarded provider can expect to be reimbursed at the Carelon (Beacon)-PA rate for mental health Peer Support Services for Youth and Young Adults. This rate will be negotiated and established based on the submission of a costs-based budget during the contracting process.
2. No start up funds have been designated for this service via the current RFP posting..
3. As this service is voluntary, we are unable to provide guarantee of critical mass to support sustainability of the program.
4. For details related to the other questions, please refer to the following documents and resources.
a) Peer Support Bulletin-Revised (OMHSAS 16-12)

Mercer County

RFP Document: Download Here Mercer Center Based IBHS Standing RFP_#272024

Other Attachments

Submit RFP Questions to:

  • Deadline To Submit Questions: N/a

Submit RFP Response to:

  • Deadline To Submit Responses: N/a

Venango County

RFP Document: Download Here NW RFP Venango Standing YYA Peer RFP REV 082024 AAH

Other Attachments
CPS Code of Ethical Conduct-052418
Provider Handbook PSS

Submit RFP Questions to:

  • Deadline To Submit Questions: N/a

Submit RFP Response to:

  • Deadline To Submit Responses: N/a
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